शलोम एग्रिकल्चर प्रा. लि.
Shalom Agriculture Pvt. Ltd.
"Growing Dreams, Harvesting Success"
  • Description

About seed Tray-

A nursery tray is a shallow, flat container typically used for starting seeds or propagating plants. These trays are designed to hold small pots or cells filled with soil or growing medium. Nursery trays are commonly used in gardening, horticulture, and agriculture to provide an organized and efficient way to germinate seeds and nurture young plants before they are transplanted into larger containers or directly into the ground. They come in various sizes and materials, such as plastic, peat, or biodegradable materials, and often feature multiple compartments or cells to accommodate individual plants. Nursery trays are essential tools for growers to manage and streamline the early stages of plant growth.

we have,

21 hole Seed Tray

32  hole seed tray

50 hole seed tray

72  hole seed tray

105  hole seed tray

128  hole seed tray

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